Articles by Natesha Somasundaram
Natesha Somasundaram is a 21 year-old writer from Melbourne. While currently completing her Bachelors of Performing Arts and Law, she has written and performed for a variety of productions ranging from student productions, the 2015 Comedy Festival, a handful of advertisements and one time she was even a writing intern at the Malthouse Theatre (fancy!!!).Her current play ‘Behind The Line’ is the longest piece of work she’s written to date – initiated and developed through the support of Playwriting Australia and Performance 4a’s Lotus. The reading of ‘Behind The Line’ at the 2016 National Play Festival will also be the first professional public reading of any of Natesha’s plays.Between writing, feigning vague interest in law stuff and watching copious re-runs of Tattoo Nightmares; Natesha spends a decent amount of time working out how many mediocre fart jokes she can say in a single breath, before passing out. (So far, her record is 3.5)