Peril is growing for 2009 and as you can see has a new look.
Peril has recently incorporated and we thank our board members for their support: Alice Pung, Chi Vu, Olivia Khoo and Anna Mandoki. This issue the theme was “passing, failing” which seemed to strike a resonant chord with our potential contributors. We managed to catch Nam Le for a short interview, and attract a variety of short prose pieces and poetry in response to the theme. We talked to Mai Long, a Vietnamese-Australian artist who caused some controversy with her Pho Dogs which was covered by Lateline in December 2008. A cultural critique of “The Jammed” is also included. We invite people to comment on our commentary with their views.
We have also been most fortunate to receive an Australia Council for the Arts grant and will be able to pay contributors for issues 7 and 8. If you are interested the themes will be “fashion, fetish” and “Why are people so unkind?”
We wish everyone a Happy New Year of the Ox and look forward to hearing from you.