Held together by fine strands of tissue. Empty at an atomic level. Spinning, accelerating. An integrity guaranteed by physics, society. Individually apart, the same. Organic. Psychological complexity, false complexity.
Learn a language in high school Watch anime without subtitles For hours the colours made sense
Air humid In a stationary atmosphere The edge of my body has no end
Forgotten languages I spoke as a child Abandoned in silent recollections
I read that in space Astronauts work As their muscles atrophy
Solitary confinement Indefinite detention Will unmake us
Running for kilometres Body aches and sweats I chose to endure
White ground powder In a white ground bread This for the white giant
Crouched over a computer Work related injuries Push ribs out against each other
You always forget Walls of skulls War and occupation
A sucking sound Of the contents removed From the intellect
I watched a documentary A man drilled into his own head He survived
Trapped in the white bone Stripped of identity Your recourse is singular
Recognising your own self Through senses You hope don't lie
Mind collected From events, history, relationships I try to claim as my own
In calm control In control Control
My sister says In winter your breath Is like dragon smoke
The house Where the monkeys watched the cat Days diluted among many others
In-between Here and there Skin and bone