Peril Magazine is excited to partner with the Asian Australian Democracy Caucus (AADC) in 2015 to bring you articles dedicated to commentary and analysis of Australian domestic politics. Take a look at our blog posts here.
Peril’s mission is to be a platform for Asian Australian voices that empowers the creativity, agency and representation of Asian Australian people in arts, society and culture. As such, we are curious to consider ways that the agency and representation of Asian Australian people is expressed in Australian political culture. We have long sought to foster dialogue and conversation around current affairs relevant to Asian Australians by supporting non-fiction, journalism and opinion pieces via our blog. This partnership with AADC in 2015 offers readers a chance to deepen that existing dialogue.
Independence, and bi- and non-partisanship are important to us at Peril, so we acknowledge that opinions expressed by the individual authors as a part of the AADC-Peril collaboration are the authors’ own and contributions to the AADC-Peril collaboration are unpaid.
What is the AADC?
The AADC is a group of Australians committed to building greater political inclusion and lifting stock of civic knowledge and awareness in Australian communities, focused on communities and peoples from Asian Australian backgrounds in Victoria, and working in collaboration with other civic organisations and diverse communities. Considering that many arenas of Australian civil society are not particularly participatory or inclusive democratic spaces, as a group, the AADC is interested in expanding spaces that create a stronger, deeper and more diverse on-line community of participants and contributors. In particular, through collaboration with Peril, the AADC are committed to exploring electoral and non-electoral political issues from distinctively Asian Australian perspectives, and that affect Asian Australian communities.
How can you be involved?
Articles posted by the AADC on the Peril website reflect the longer and deeper reflections of our writers on Australian political issues. Both Peril and the AADC welcome your opinion and feedback. If you would like to engage with us on other issues, post content, or just find out more about us, check out our Facebook page or Twitter handle.
Jen Tsen Kwok and Shinen Wong are the key points of contact for this initiative. Shinen currently works in public health and adult education. He is currently completing a Masters of Education. Jen works in policy and research for the NTEU. He completed a PhD in sociology in 2013 and remains an Honourary Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, as well as an Associate of the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne. He is preparing his thesis for publication with Brill.
If you’d like to join the AADC group, or to write for this collaboration with Peril on Asian Australian contemporary politics, please contact [email protected].
Moderation policy
The AADC is strongly committed to free expression as a fundamental tenet of democratic civil society. As an inclusive civic space, we also reserve the right to call out speech acts undertaken in bad faith, or that are undertaken to cause symbolic or psychological harm to specific communities and groups. Therefore:
- We will not tolerate language or behaviour we deem to be defamatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, aggressive or offensive in nature;
- We will not tolerate advertising or spam;
- We maintain the right to determine which material violates this moderation policy;
- We reserve the right to remove comments/uploads we believe are in violation of our policy and to ban people from our sites.
Naturally, individuals may appeal or query decisions in relation to this moderation policy in writing to Editor in Chief at [email protected].