Welcome to issue 7 – fashion/fetish. We’ve got a diverse smorgasbord for you this issue, leading with Tom Cho, whose book “Look Who’s Morphing”, has been released in May. We also welcome on board Owen Leong, our new visual arts editor. Owen has interviewed Kelly Robson and Shigeyuki Kihara, as well as selecting some of their choice work for your consumption. Personal stories from Komi Sellathurai, Corey Wakeling and Tiffany Loh follow, along with Chinese poetry translated by Ouyang Yu. We have also included poetry from Tammy Wu and James Laidler. We give thanks to the Australia Council for the Arts for their support this year. If you are from Sydney or Melbourne come along to the launches of this issue at the Sydney Writers Festival at 11:30 am on Saturday May 23rd or at the Emerging Writers Festival in Melbourne.
Look out for issue 8 themed “Why are people so unkind?” with submission deadline 30 September to be launched in November 2009.