Asian-Australians from the continent as defined as being Asia is much more diverse than Korean film or HK film or Bollywood. We as media consumers and players cannot allow the mainstream to dictate our bodies, voices, and cultural practices. We also need to be brave in showing the diversity within the ethnic “enclaves” that individual voices and views do differ from the mainstreaming of our own communities.
Can you please tell me a little bit about your short doco Operation Reunite that you screened at AAFFN and why you made it?
I made Operation Reunite to document the reunion of Vietnamese adoptees–35 after the fall of Saigon. I also wanted to show the global diversity of adoptees, to depict them as individuals seeking connection through a shared happening of adoption transnationally and an event Operation Babylift, and how they in various ways engage with Vietnam.
AAFFN should hold peer review brain storming screenings where actors, film makers, producers and script writers can discuss form, direction and value to audiences on material still in development. I think we could try to tap into community TV media form the various Asian communities (Channel 31’s Pinoy TV) and film students from VCA. AAFFN should examine the value of cross pollination of media and arts where video artists/live performing artists can also join in the conversations.
“We also need to be brave in showing the diversity within the ethnic “enclaves” that individual voices and views do differ from the mainstreaming of our own communities.”
Well said.